Our Story
Your Own United Resources, Inc. was established as an Iowa Private Non-Profit Corporation in 1965. The agency was restructured in October of 1997 from a community action agency to a single purpose agency to provide federally funded Head Start services to pregnant women and children - five years of age.
Our current contracts provide funding to serve 76 families with Early Head Start services and 158 families with Head Start services. These services are provided by a staff of approximately 50 persons, with the home-based Early Head Start services being provided by both agency staff and contracted providers. All families must reside in Hamilton, Humboldt, Webster and Wright counties and must meet income eligibility as determined by the federal poverty guidelines. Our agency has provided the Head Start services since 1965 and received the contract to provide Early Head Start services in 1999.
The agency is governed by both a Board of Directors, with volunteer members from our service area, and a Policy Council of elected program participants and community representatives from all four counties.
The Early Head Start program delivers home-based services with home visitors going into the family's home each week for an hour and a half visit. The contracted home visitors are guided by EHS staff and use curricula targeting pregnant moms, infants and toddlers to age three. Socializations are offered each month in each county, with families coming together to interact with their children.
The Head Start center-based program targets pre-school children, ages 3-5, and their families. We have children being served at several sites in four counties. Parent-child activities are planned in each county.
Both programs focus on the total development of the child, working closely with other agencies to support children with special needs, and to help parents access resources and reach individual goals. Parent engagement is a big part of our services.
Because our programs are federally funded, all services are directed by a set of Performance Standards setting requirements and guidelines in three areas: Early Child Development and Health Services, Family and Community Partnerships and Program Design and Management. These standards are nationwide and are followed by all Head Start programs.
To request a copy of the Annual Report, please call Michelle Carden at the Central Office at 515-573-2453 ext. 202.